Random Musings

Don’t sweat the small stuff

Daily writing prompt
Describe a decision you made in the past that helped you learn or grow.


3:47 am

Yes, it is another one of those sleepless nights.

I am here again responding to a daily prompt after posting a correction to my article from the other day. It will be my last writing for the night, I am finally getting sleepy.

The biggest lesson that I have learned thus far is to “Don’t sweat the small stuff.”

It seems like such a simple thing but as a person who was diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder, PTSD, and anxiety, everything seemed overwhelming. There was no “small stuff”.

It was after my third and final hospitalization from spiraling down into that dark abyss where I met some very interesting people in the psyche ward. They helped me realize that the small stuff did not matter if I would just truly believe in “letting it go.”

To find that hope, faith, and belief again in a greater good. That if I threw those anxiety filled moments, doubts, and thoughts out into the universe that it would be solved in the way it was suppose to be.

To live with an open mind, an open heart, and trust the process.

These were very big changes for my life then. I really did not think it would work but I saw how changes in these thoughts shifted my mindset to a more positive headspace. I was beginning to feel hopeful again.

Was it easy? No. I had to dig really deep, be willing to face the traumas I endured, forgive others, realize that I was never going to get an apology, and let things go.

I had to put in the hard work to change the automatic negative way of thinking. It has been a long 7 years of therapy, meditation, and gratitude. It was a quest to find peace, happiness, and joy in the every day.

It has been a long journey of appreciation and learning to trust others. The last and biggest obstacle to overcome. If I had not made that change then my heart would have stayed closed to finding someone that cares about and loves me.

I was finally willing to trust another person to be in my life and share it. The relationship is still growing and I do not know what the future holds but it will be okay either way.

I don’t sweat the small stuff anymore and there is always a positive somewhere. You just have to open your mind’s eye to see it.

Thank you for stopping by, again.

Have a wonderful week!

Peace, love, happiness, and good vibes, always!


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